The MedAxiom and Moonlighting Solutions collaborative white paper spotlights an innovative physician coverage model that reduces call burden to support sustainable and cost-effective staffing.
In this white paper, you will learn how three healthcare systems transformed their coverage models to:
Reduced burnout with minimal or no call burden
Gained competitive edge in recruitment and retention
Lowered turnover and dependency on locums
Increased productivity during daytime hours
Eliminated mandatory post call days
Reduced length of stay for inpatients awaiting intervention
Our Call Relief Program™ delivers positive results for cardiology departments across the country and can do the same for yours.
I predict this change will extend careers by five to 10 years, which is critical in an environment where we have such a shortage of cardiologists.
James “Jake” Hochrein, MD, FACC
Chief of the Cardiovascular Service Line, Cone Health
In partnership with
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